Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Qt 4.4.0 released

Trolltech has released Qt 4.4.0. I installed it and monkeyd around with it a bit, watched the demos (they're still impressive). Qt Graphics View and XQuery look very promising to me. More about them later.

If you are looking for a decent toolkit to build both Linux and Windows GUI applications, take a look at Qt. Especially as of late I've been developing a Windows GUI application, the WinAPI is horrible compared to Qt. If it was my call, I'd instantly switch the project to the Qt! One of the most important points of Qt is having consistent API, where function names mean something!

Q: What function do you call when you need to create a button in WinAPI?
A: CreateWindow()

All I can say is OMGLOLPLZ! :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

BatMUD Tools by Tumi sources released

Today I've released the sources of my once-famous BatMUD-game support web site. Sources are released under GPL v2 at the GoogleCode, here:
BatMUD Tools by Tumi.

Its been year and a half when I retired from BatMUD, where I had been playing since 1997, on and off. First character ended up as maintainer, a "wizard" there, called Tumi.

Second character was playing for fun only, and while playing, did the most comphrehensive site of tools ever available on BatMUD, which eventually made the official help and support site, obviously gone now.

While retiring, I predicted problems for MUDs and MMORPGs raise their ugly heads more and more aggressively and people get more and more lazy about their gameplay. Most of what I said I've perceived as true now, like the playerbase, which has gone WAY down since I quit.

Though, I'm happy to see couple individuals who've done good, hard work to replace the tools I used to provide. The map is now way better than it ever was at my time, the reincsim has, well, implemantation.. Better than nothing though.

I hope the sources inspire those who have done the hard work, and keep continue doing so. The others, the lazy motherfuckers, can still "¤¤"¤ dick. The number of downloads rocketed instantly as I posted the announcement, and I suppose most of those downloads belong to people who have no intention whatsoever to contribute to the community. Or, if they do, they won't respect the GPL2. Sigh..

Well, anyways, not my concerns anymore, I've released it. Contact me though if you wanna be participating member in that project and really start modifying the source code in the GoogleCode SVN.