Sunday, January 13, 2008

New site design

My old site made with PHP3 got a bit broken when my web hotel upgraded its servers to the latest software, including PHP5. It resulted in very broken website where even navigation got busted. I admit that my old code from 2001 was crappy, and the site was due to be recoded for about six years already.

Being left with a broken site was finally the incentive to do something about it. I took an open source design to begin my work with from Open Source Web Designs, designed by Aaron Ganschow, to save time. Hopefully it pays off in the end, currently my new site design is as default as it can be.

I have grand plans about the content on the site. Many of the old stuff that used to be there have disappeared, but new content is slowly finding its way to there. I just have to check and re-check the code, and add the new layout in them. That will take some time, but eventually it pays off.

Check it out here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don’t know what the old website looked like, but this new one looks really good. It looks professional. The navigation being on the left side ensures easier navigation. A clean and simple layout partnered with good, updated, fresh content is the essence of a good website.

-- Darryl Tay