Sunday, October 14, 2007

An essay about past ten years

I've been a student in the Helsinki University of Technology for nine years now. As you might already guess, my studies haven't advanced as they should've - I would've graduated a long time ago, if they had. However, having worked full- or part-time all of the that time has brought me such an experience a "normal", goody-two-shoe student will not gather for a long time, even after his/her graduation. I having seen and experienced the the dot-com bubble first hand is something you do not learn from the books or being in stable-and-boring job for ten, twenty or even thirty years.

Well, now I got well off-topic from what I planned to write at first. Earlier this month I decided to put more efforts to my studies to finally graduate some beautiful day. I had to write down a proper plan to complete my studies, and write an essay about my studies so far.

Writing down an essay about past nine years isn't exactly the most easy thing to do. You have to do some deep analysis of yourself and both your successes and mistakes. If something, that is something we all should do on a more regular basis. I found out many interesting things, both good and bad, by analysing the essay. When you see it all in a text that you write for someone else, explaining half of your life, you can no longer use those sad excuses anymore. You start to see the real picture.

I recommend everyone to do a little self-analysis. Write an essay about your life during the past five or ten years and see if you are happy what you see. If not, the problems are in front of you in clear writing and you can start improving yourself and your life quality right away.

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