Thursday, September 13, 2007

My favourite feeds

Nothing out of ordinary lately. EU3 has been running a lot lately, so not so much free time left.

I'd like to share my favourite feeds, in case someone doesn't already read these:

The n00b comic: Excellent comic about the WoW generation gaming etc. Lots of fun about online roleplaying games (MMORPGs), lately it has gone down a notch, but mostly because the start is so HILARIOUS its hard to top later!

Ctrl-alt-del: Ctrl-alt-del is another excellent comic about gaming, life, IT. Featuring Ethan the umm, dork :) and Lucas the rational as main characters and best buddies & roomies, their views are constantly clashing and it creates interesting views into everything.. Just hilarious. Read from the beginning to not miss anything!

Slashdot: ./ is the number one site for following the Open source, Linux, IT, media industry etc stories. Very good moderation system, insightful discussion, a must for any IT person.

Worse than Failure: Former What-The-Fuck. Posts WTF cases from IT industries, potpourri of funny errors, WTF'd code and so on. Just hilarious if you are a coder or work in the IT industries. Lots of insider jokes referring to the older posts etc, just hilarious.

Doh!: Oh the humanity. Mostly posting mistakes and absurdies in news, such as BBC, CNN, webstores etc.

Pokernews: PokerNews has improved a lot over the last year, and it has the best coverage of the WSOP this year. Kicked Bluff magazine hands down in accuracy, speed, quality... despite that Bluff was the official WSOP reporting mag.

In addition to those, I have many "private" boards I follow and discuss on. If you have any other good webcomics, post them, I could occasionally use something new :)

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